The following list of individuals are Patriots of the American
Revolutionary War to whom Daniel Cooper Chapter, NSDAR,
members can trace their lineage. Patriots are grouped by the state
of service and then listed alphabetically by last name. Scroll down
to see if you share an ancestor with a member of our chapter!
Revolutionary War to whom Daniel Cooper Chapter, NSDAR,
members can trace their lineage. Patriots are grouped by the state
of service and then listed alphabetically by last name. Scroll down
to see if you share an ancestor with a member of our chapter!
Our Patriot Ancestors
Joel Cook
Edee Coy
Daniel Everts
Josiah Monroe, Jr.
Simeon Sheldon
Joseph Wilcox
John Hubbard
Thomas Farnsley Lovett
John Hubbard
Thomas Farnsley Lovett
Stephan Bassford
Jacob Braselton
Curtis Carmean
Henry Dorton
Michael Fox
Francis Mudd
Abraham Monnett
Alexander Ogle
Casper Potter
Michael Peter
John Slutts
Martin Sydnor
Joseph Wood, Jr.
Edward Scarborough
William Campbell
Daniel Coman
Joseph Coolidge, Sr.
Edward Crafts
Amos Demon
William Elliot
Nathan Gould
Jonathan Jacobs
John Hume
Harvey Libby
Jesse Perrin
Timothy Sprague
Benjamin Swetland
New Hampshire
Jonathan Corser
Samuel Morrison
William Rowell
Azariah Webb
Jonathan Corser
Samuel Morrison
William Rowell
Azariah Webb
New Jersey
Benjamin Bebout
Naphtali Byrum
Henry Countryman
David Garrigus
David Hedden
John Hilliard
Joseph Holmes
Gabriel Hutchins
John Kirkpatrick
Timothy Sexton
Christopher Gotthard Sickler
Harmon Shipman
Job Stout
Samuel White
Peter Wintermute
Benjamin Bebout
Naphtali Byrum
Henry Countryman
David Garrigus
David Hedden
John Hilliard
Joseph Holmes
Gabriel Hutchins
John Kirkpatrick
Timothy Sexton
Christopher Gotthard Sickler
Harmon Shipman
Job Stout
Samuel White
Peter Wintermute
New York
John Comfort
Henry Hannis
Abraham Koons
Johannis Snyder
John Comfort
Henry Hannis
Abraham Koons
Johannis Snyder
North Carolina
Burrell Bass
Jacob Braselton
James Codill
Elijah Hanson
Isaac Harvey
Thomas Privett
Jesse Revis
Plikar Dederic Siler
Peter Todd
John Wilkinson
Burrell Bass
Jacob Braselton
James Codill
Elijah Hanson
Isaac Harvey
Thomas Privett
Jesse Revis
Plikar Dederic Siler
Peter Todd
John Wilkinson
Eli Bailey
Adam Brandt
John Hans Christner
Samuel Dilley
William Early
John Ferguson
Conrad Frank
George Gieseman
Joseph Junkin
Henry Hanawalt
Michael Harmon
Sebastian Heeter
Marcus Huling
Absalom Kent
Barnhart Kleber
John Leidy
Cromwell McVity
James McQuaide
Johann Wendel Minnich
George Mounce
Andrew Overpeck
Joseph Pawling
William Ramsay
Michael Sanor
Conrad Snyder
David Stoner
Job Stout
Jacob Swander
Nicholas Young
Henry Solomon Weiser
Stephen White
Eli Bailey
Adam Brandt
John Hans Christner
Samuel Dilley
William Early
John Ferguson
Conrad Frank
George Gieseman
Joseph Junkin
Henry Hanawalt
Michael Harmon
Sebastian Heeter
Marcus Huling
Absalom Kent
Barnhart Kleber
John Leidy
Cromwell McVity
James McQuaide
Johann Wendel Minnich
George Mounce
Andrew Overpeck
Joseph Pawling
William Ramsay
Michael Sanor
Conrad Snyder
David Stoner
Job Stout
Jacob Swander
Nicholas Young
Henry Solomon Weiser
Stephen White
Rhode Island
Pardon Gray
Pardon Gray
South Carolina
William Brockett
John Dick
Andrew Neal
William Brockett
John Dick
Andrew Neal
Joseph Peck
Oliver Rice
Joseph Peck
Oliver Rice
Jacob Black
Marquis Calmes
Robert Crockett
Edward Cunningham
William Cunningham
William De Graffenreid
Henry Dorton
James Dyer
Alexander Ferguson
Samuel Ferguson
Joshua Folts
Henry Funk
William Godbey
John Grills, Sr.
Samuel Gwinn
Phillip Hammond
Henry Hannis
Moses Holland
Thomas Hollandsworth
Thomas Jeffery
Thomas Lewis
Cottrell Lively
James Low
James Madden
John Mayfield
Jacob McCraw
Leonard Morris
Elexious Musick
William Patterson
William Pennock
William Porter
Casper Potter
Frances Pummell
Richard Pyle
Daniel Reed
Claiborne Rockwell
Philip Roush
John Savage
Alexander Smith
John Taliaferro
Daniel Tyler
Benjamin Walden
Benjamin Wash
Spencer Withers
Richard Witt
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